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Banesco Credit Card Statement

Role: UI Designer

June 2019 - December 2019

I was in charge of designing the new Credit Card Statement Layout making sure it was accessible for all types of clients using accessible contrasts and friendly finance terms.


Task: Increase the user’s satisfaction with the statements giving them the information they need in a simple way and, at the same time, feel very good with the design.

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Defining the problem and Wireframe

First, I engaged in a discussion with the customer experience team to gain insights into the origin of the change request. They introduced me to the current design and presented customer feedback regarding it. Through this research, I was able to identify pain points and initiate the design of a proposed solution. 


I presented 2 different layouts to the team, and we tested both with clients. The main focus of the test was to know that users could understand and find specific information.




We did need to validate some alternative terms with the product team because some clients didn’t understand some of the terms we tested.

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Final Design and iterations

We launched the final design making sure clients were satisfied. In 2022 we made another adjusted adding the Credit Score and dividing the Consumption Chart with RD$ and US$.


What I learned


The real importance of always testing our products because the final user can think and communicate different from the product team.

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Want a full case presentation?


E-mail me to schedule a meeting!

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